Diabetes and Disordered Eating: Identification, Presentation and Support (0.5 CME Points) By James Wimbury

This presentation will look at why individuals with diabetes have an increased risk of developing eating disorders and disordered eating behaviours and cognition, diabetes specific eating disorders such as T1DE, how different eating disorders and disorders eating behaviours can affect diabetes management, a brief overview of what support specialist teams can offer and what non-specialists can do to support this population.


Event Dates:

7:00 pm Monday 8th Jul 2024

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James Wimbury

BSc (Dietetics)

James is a specialist diabetes and neuroendocrine dietitian, as well as a DAFNE and insulin pump educator Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. He works with adults with diabetes for over 5 years with primary areas of interests being disorders eating behaviours and cognitions in diabetes, and technology to support diabetes management in young people and adults.

Learning outcomes from the webinar are

1) Be able to list and describe the possible factors that increase the risk of disordered eating behaviours and cognitions with diabetes

2) Be able to describe the concept of T1DE and how individuals may present with this condition

3) Be able to describe the concept of T1DE and red-flags for screening somebody for disordered eating in diabetes

4) Be able to identify disordered eating behaviours and cognitions in individuals with diabetes

5) Be able to recall the evidence for T1DE treatment and support available

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