Health Care Professionals and fad diets: What can we do? by Aisling Pigott

This presentation will focus on the prevalence of fad diets, why we find them so attractive and the harms that they can cause. It will encourage the audience to reflect on our own opinions, views and bias and how these can filter through to clinical practice. The presentation will include a call to action – banishing unhealthy diet culture in the workplace, in clinical practice and instead focus on nourishing messages around food and nutrition. It will include some case studies and top tips for reframing unhealthy diet messages.


Event Dates:

7:00 pm Monday 17th Jun 2024

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Aisling Pigott

Registered Dietitian, NHS specialist dietitian, PHD candidate and freelance dietitian

Aisling is a Registered Dietitian with a PgCert Sports and Exercise Nutrition and MSc Advanced Dietetic Practice. She run a freelance consultancy Dietitian Wales.

She Lead Paediatric Diabetes Dietitian at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and in receipt of an RCBCWales Fellowship as a PhD Candidate/Academic Associate at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

She have 12 years of health and nutrition experience, varying across a variety of healthcare, academic and media settings. Her nutrition messages are simple and realistic. She take an anti-fad, pro-health approach to diet and health. She is dedicated to promoting positive food messages and healthy relationships with food.

*Understand and appreciate that diet culture is all around us, none of us are immune.

* Understand why image focused diet culture and fad diets are detrimental to health and wellbeing

* Be aware of actions that they can take in personal life and clinical practice to challenge diet culture

* Be aware of intuitive eating and appetite regulation

* Be aware of top tips for reframing unhealthy messages around food

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