Sleep and mental wellbeing – the relevance of nutrition and diet (0.5 CME Points)
Dr Alex Richardson
D.Phil(Oxon), P.C.C.E.
Dr Alex Richardson is an internationally-renowned researcher, educator, speaker and also the Founder Director of the UK-based charity Food and Behaviour (FAB) Research.
She is best known for her pioneering work on the impact of nutrition on brain development and function, and her research into the role of fatty acids in relation to normal individual differences, neurodevelopmental conditions (such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia and dyspraxia) and psychiatric disorders (including depression and schizophrenia).
Dr Richardson’s research spans numerous scientific disciplines and involves several large-scale collaborative programmes including studies of epidemiology, genetics, brain imaging, biochemistry and nutrition, as well as physiological and psychological functioning. She also works closely with health and education practitioners, support groups and charities both to inform her research, and to assist the translation of evidence into best practice.
She is committed to improving education on the relevance of nutrition and diet to behaviour, learning and mood, and is a highly experienced speaker for public and professional as well as academic audiences worldwide.
Her book ‘They Are What You Feed Them’ for parents and professionals offers practical advice based on scientific evidence, and is dedicated to the charity FAB Research, founded to raise awareness of the links between ‘Food and Behaviour’.
30 Minute Webinar
The presentation will provide an overview summary of the importance of nutrition and diet for sleep problems and mental health in general, but with a particular focus on ADHD, ASD, anxiety, depression and related conditions.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand the critical importance of sleep for mental health, wellbeing and performance.
- Appreciate the complex inter-relationships between sleep, mental health and nutrition.
- Know how basic dietary patterns can help to predict both sleep and mental health & wellbeing.
- Know which common essential nutrient deficiencies implicated in most developmental and mental health conditions can also exacerbate poor sleep
- Recognise common symptom profiles that may respond to nutritional or dietary interventions