The Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Cancer Prevention by Matt Lambert (1 CME point)
This webinar will explore the latest evidence regarding nutrition and lifestyle interventions for reducing cancer risk
Matthew Lambert - WCRF
Matt is a qualified and experienced nutritionist with over 25 years of experience in the areas of nutrition and physical
activity. Matt previously worked as a fitness trainer and has worked as a senior nutritionist within industry. As World
Cancer Research Fund’s Health Information and Promotion Manager, he is responsible for overseeing the dissemination of
scientific research into practical nutrition and health resources to help support people in making healthy changes to reduce
their cancer risk.
Learning outcomes:
That 40% of cancers are preventable
👉 That how we live our life impacts our risk of a number of different cancers
👉 The mechanisms by which diet and activity impact our cancer risk
👉 Motivating your patients/ clients to make healthy changes
👉 Resources and services that World Cancer Research Fund provide