What ovarian cancer patients need to know about diet (1 CME Point) – Anna Hudson
An exploration of the diet/nutrition queries raised with a charity support service from those with an ovarian cancer diagnosis
Anna Hudson
Anna leads Ovacome’s highly skilled support services team, who provide a responsive service through a range of support
channels, as well as facilitating our online and face-to-face support groups, workshops and events. Anna originally trained
as an occupational therapist and worked in oncology and palliative care settings, before moving into patient information and
support. She has worked at Ovacome since 2016, overseeing the delivery and development of the support service since
this time
Understanding of the experience of ovarian cancer treatment Recognising the psychological impact of ovarian cancer diagnosis How the above two impact dietary concerns for those diagnosed Common queries and concerns about diet raised with the charity support service Signposting to information and support within the charity sector