date_range Jun 2023

Teaching medical students about nutrition: from basic principles to practical strategies

BMJ Frontline Gastroenterology: “Teaching medical students about nutrition: from basic principles to practical strategies.”

date_range Oct 2022

10 Food and nutrition security in key healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study informing educational interventions

A paper to assess how the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic affected food choices and eating behaviours of frontline healthcare staff and students.

date_range Aug 2022

Nutrition training for medical professionals: where do we begin?

A paper which calls upon the UK cardiology profession to join our campaign for greater nutrition education within medical training for both undergraduate and postgraduate doctors.

date_range Mar 2021

Nutrition education in core medical curricula: a call to action from tomorrow’s doctors

A paper giving an overview of the current status of nutrition education in UK undergraduate medical curricula, highlighting pockets of innovative teaching, alongside areas for improvement

date_range Aug 2020

Metabolic health and COVID-19: a call for greater medical nutrition education

Nutritank’s response to COVID-19 and its Metabolic health association, making the need greater for more nutrition in medical education.

date_range May 2020

Time for nutrition in medical education

Aim To synthesise a selection of UK medical students’ and doctors’ views surrounding nutrition in medical education and practice.

date_range Apr 2020

Time for nutrition in medical education

A first synthesis of the views of medical students and junior doctors in the UK about Nutrition education. An understanding of what nutrition related teaching medical students feel is needed in their undergraduate curriculum. Insights into the need to clarify the role of the doctor in nutritional care.