Dr Ally Jaffee is a London-based, multi-award-winning NHS Junior Doctor and is planning on specialising in Psychiatry. Ally qualified from Bristol Medical School in 2022 and also holds a BSc degree in Medical Humanities & Creative Arts from Imperial College London. She is the author of 5 publications in leading Science Journals such as The Lancet and The BMJ. Whilst at Medical School, Ally co-founded Nutritank, an acclaimed Nutrition & Lifestyle Start-up with a nationwide network of healthcare professionals and students. She has contributed to key policy-change work: getting a nutrition education clause (2.19) added to the 2019 NHS Long Term Plan and the creation of a gold-standard nutrition education curricula for medical students led by the AFN ( Association For Nutrition). Regarding Nutritank, Ally has appeared on TV alongside Jamie Oliver on Channel 4. She also received a place on the NHS Clinical Entrepreneurship Programme and a Fellowship at the Royal Academy of Arts (FRSA). Learn more about Dr Jaffee